Special Thank You

The creation of Church Under Fire became a reality through the invaluable efforts of all those who played a role in this remarkable endeavour. Our heartfelt appreciation goes to the all the contributors who made this project possible. To the following exceptionally generous individuals, your support has been indispensable. Thank you. 

Kian Simone 
Director, Church Under Fire

2350 Donors

Dan Berry

Robert Bertness

Concetta Bertucci

John Bertucci

Paul Berube

Phil Besler

Larry Best

Robert 1 Besterd

Sandra Betsalel

Susan Bevan

Vincent Beyer

Francis Bezemer

Debbie Bezovie

heidi Bialecki

Laurence Bibay

Wayne Biggers

Cheryl Bigus

Mike Billette

Don Billey

Andrew Billingham

Susan Bingham

Marlon Birky

Teri Birt

Pat Bischoff

Gary Bishop

Delmer Bjorklund

David Black

Rodney Blackmore

Chris Blahout

Leslie Blair

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[email protected] - password RebelNews if required

Cheques made out to Rebel News:
Rebel News Network Ltd.
PO Box 61056 Eglinton/Dufferin RO
Toronto, ON M6E 5B2


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