Special Thank You

The creation of Church Under Fire became a reality through the invaluable efforts of all those who played a role in this remarkable endeavour. Our heartfelt appreciation goes to the all the contributors who made this project possible. To the following exceptionally generous individuals, your support has been indispensable. Thank you. 

Kian Simone 
Director, Church Under Fire

2350 Donors

Kathryn Breaker

Barry Brebner

Catherine Breedon

Clifford Breen

Donald Bremner

Daniel Brennan

Mical Atz Brenzel

Philippe Brevard

Mike Brink

Heather Brodie

Jacobus Broere

Adam Brogley

Mike Bromberg

John Brookes

Laurie Brooks

charles brophy

Graham Brotherton

Rebecca Brotnov

Glen Brough

Wayne Brouwer

gail brown

Colin Brown

Debbie Brown

Erica Brown

Heather Brown

James Brown

Linda Brown

Majella Brown

Michael Brown

Mikolt Brown

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[email protected] - password RebelNews if required

Cheques made out to Rebel News:
Rebel News Network Ltd.
PO Box 61056 Eglinton/Dufferin RO
Toronto, ON M6E 5B2


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