Special Thank You

The creation of Church Under Fire became a reality through the invaluable efforts of all those who played a role in this remarkable endeavour. Our heartfelt appreciation goes to the all the contributors who made this project possible. To the following exceptionally generous individuals, your support has been indispensable. Thank you. 

Kian Simone 
Director, Church Under Fire

2351 Donors

Sharon Walter

Bonnie Walters

Tianhua Wang

John Wannop

Jennifer Wantenaar

Gwendolyn Ward

Ruth Ward

Alan Wardle

Natalie Wareham

Paul & Elaine Warkentin

Anne Warner

Bradley Warnock

Mike Wascherol

Ann Waschuk

Keith Washington

Douwe Wassenaar

David Waterhouse

Kenneth Watkins

Leo Wattel

Cheryl Webb

Larry Webb

Ron Webb

Ronna Webb

Alida Weber

David Weber

Edith Weberbauer

Jessie Wecker

Paul Weiers

Harry Weiss

Helen Weiss

E-transfer (Canada):
[email protected] - password RebelNews if required

Cheques made out to Rebel News:
Rebel News Network Ltd.
PO Box 61056 Eglinton/Dufferin RO
Toronto, ON M6E 5B2


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